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- Welcome to WNC Internal Medicine
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- Lab Reports
- Beauty Treatments
- Testimonials
- About
- Lab Diagnostic Testing and Investigation
- Testimonials
- Blog
- Maps & Directions
- WNC Internal Medicine: Health & Beauty Care in Sylva, NC
- Patient Appointments and Contact Resources
- Patient Resources
- Contact
- Treatments & Conditions
- Departments
- WNC Home
- Advanced Dementia Treatment
- Advanced Wound Care
- Same Day Appointments
- Functional Medicine
- Weight Loss Management
- Lab Testing
- Preventive Medicine
- Patient-Tailored Medications
- Overcoming Obesity: Expert Solutions and Support
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Expert Treatment for Insomnia and Sleep Disorder
- Empowering Hypertension Management
- Effective Fatigue Management
- Digestive Issues Management
- Effective Diabetes Treatment
- Effective Cholesterol Management
- Combat Candida and Yeast Infections: Effective Treatments at WNC Medical
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Treatment
- Andropause
- Discover Anti-Aging Solutions
- Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
- Nutritional Counseling - Expert Guidance
- Beauty Treatments (Botox®)
Lab Testings
Patient Resources
Staff Members
Aesthetic Services
- Dehydration Treatments
- Vitamin Infusion Therapy
- IV Hydration Therapy
- CO2 Laser Rejuvenation
- Microdermabrasion
- Vascular Facial - Removal of blood vessels
- Radiofrequency Microneedling
- Fat Freezing (Cryolipolysis)
- Medical therapeutic masks
- Chemical peels
- Stem Cell Regeneration
- Fillers
- Plasma PRP Treatment
- Laser treatments
- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
- Abdominal Artery
- Abdominal Discomfort
- Abdominal Health
- Abdominal Pain
- Abdominal Ultrasound
- ABI Test
- Accelerated Healing
- Accurate Diagnosis
- Acne Scars
- acne solutions
- Acute Urinary Retention
- Adipose Tissue
- Advanced Blood Panels
- Advanced Diagnostic Technology
- Advanced Diagnostic Tools
- Advanced Equipment
- advanced formulas
- Advanced Laser Technology
- Advanced Medical Solutions
- Advanced Procedure
- Advanced Technology
- Aesthetic and Wellness Needs
- Aesthetic Goals
- Aesthetic Improvement
- Aesthetic Medicine
- Aesthetic Treatments
- Age Spot Reduction
- Aging and Vitality
- Aging Signs
- Allergens
- Allergic Sensitivities
- Allergy Management
- Allergy Testing
- Allergy-Aware Life
- Alpha-Hydroxy Acids
- American Cancer Society
- Androgen Decline
- Andropause
- Anemia
- Anesthesia
- Anti-Aging
- Anti-Aging Treatments
- Antifungal Medications
- Anxiety
- Aorta Scan
- Apoptosis
- Appropriate Healthcare Solutions
- Arterial Traffic Report
- Arteries Health
- Artery Blockage
- Asthma
- Athena Patient's Portal
- Bad Cholesterol
- Balanced Diet
- Beauty and Well-Being
- Behavioral Counseling
- Benign Growths
- Better Health and Well-being
- Better Sleep
- Bioelectrical Impedance
- Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Bladder Scan
- Blood Pressure Control
- Blood Pressure Management
- Blood Pressure Ratio
- Blood Pressure Readings
- Blood Serum Tests
- Blood Sugar Control
- Blood Testing
- Body Composition Analysis
- Body Contouring
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Body Sculpting
- Bone Density
- Bone Health
- Boredom
- Botox
- BOTOX® Cosmetic
- Bowel Regularity
- Brain Fog
- breakout reduction
- Breathlessness
- Bronchitis
- Candida
- Candida Dietary Changes.
- Candida Overgrowth
- Capillary Formation
- Cardiac Diagnostics
- Cardiac Health Assessment
- Cardiovascular Complications
- Cardiovascular Health
- Cardiovascular Well-being
- Careers
- Carotid Arteries
- Carotid Ultrasound
- Cell Anomalies
- Cellular Changes
- Cellular Turnover
- Centrifuge
- Cervical Cancer
- Cervix
- Chemical Peels
- Chest Pain
- Cholesterol Management
- Cholesterol Treatment
- Chronic Disease Management
- Chronic Diseases
- Chronic Fatigue
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
- Chronic Urinary Retention
- clear skin
- Clear Skin Path
- Clear Skin Solution
- Clearer and More Even-Toned Skin
- Clearer Skin
- CO2 laser treatment
- CO2 Rejuvenation
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Collaborative Approach
- Collaborative Care
- Collagen
- Collagen and Elastin Boost
- Collagen Boost
- Collagen Production
- collagen reduction
- Collagen Stimulation
- Combating Facial Aging
- Comfortable Setting
- Commitment to Accuracy
- Compassionate Approach
- Compassionate Care
- Comprehensive Analysis
- Comprehensive Assessment
- Comprehensive Blood Pressure Evaluation
- Comprehensive Cholesterol Management
- Comprehensive Consultation
- Comprehensive Digestive Issue Management
- Comprehensive Evaluation
- Comprehensive Examination
- Comprehensive Healthcare
- Comprehensive Preventive Medicine
- Comprehensive Solution
- Consultation
- Consultation for Sleep Disturbances
- Contact Dermatitis
- Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Continuous Support
- Controlled Heat
- Conventional Treatment Alternative
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Cortisol
- Cosmetic Procedures
- Cost-Effective
- CO₂ Laser Rejuvenation
- Crohn's Disease
- crow's feet
- Cryolipolysis
- Custom Treatment Plans
- Customized Care
- Customized Dermal Filler Treatments
- Customized Experience
- Customized Solutions
- Customized Treatment Plans
- Daytime Fatigue
- Decreased Libido
- Deep Fatigue
- Deep Nourishment
- Dehydration Treatment
- Depression
- Dermal Fillers
- Dermatological Procedure
- Detoxification
- Detoxifying Ingredients
- Diabetes
- Diagnosing Lung Diseases
- Diagnostic Accuracy
- Diagnostic Excellence
- Diagnostic Healthcare
- Diet and Exercise
- Dietary Choices
- Dietary Guidance
- Dietary Habits
- Dietary Recommendations
- Dietary Supplements
- Digestive Health
- Disease Detection and Screening
- Disease Prevention
- Disease Progression
- Disrupted Sleep Cycle
- Diurnal Variation
- double board certification
- Dry Brushing
- Early Detection
- Early Diagnosis
- Educative Approach
- Effective Fungal Inhibition
- Effective Sculpting
- Effective Vein Treatment
- Efficient Fungus Removal
- Elasticity
- Elastin Boost
- Elastin Enhancement
- Elastin Production
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Elevated Blood Pressure
- Elevated Triglycerides
- Emotional Eating
- Emotional Management
- Emotional Stress
- Emotional Support
- Emphysema
- Empowering Aging Men
- Endocrine Functions
- Endocrine Understanding
- Energy Boost
- Energy Enhancement
- Energy Levels
- Enhance
- Enhanced Appearance
- Enhanced Cell Turnover
- Enhanced Patient Satisfaction
- Enhanced Skin Health
- Enhanced Vitality
- Enhanced Well-Being
- Environmental Damage
- environmental skin damage
- Environmental Triggers
- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Even Skin Tone
- Evidence-Based Decisions
- Evidence-Based Practices
- Excessive Body Fat
- Exercise Guidance
- Exfoliants
- Exfoliating
- Exfoliation
- Experienced Healthcare Professionals
- Expert Administration
- Expert Care
- Expert Guidance
- Expert Medical Professionals
- Expert Sleep Disorder Treatment
- Expert Team
- Expert Treatment
- Expertise
- Expertise & Experience
- Expertise in ECG
- Expertly Trained Specialists
- expressive movements
- Extended Availability
- Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
- Facelift
- Facial Aging Solutions
- Facial Injections
- facial lines
- Facial Lines Solution
- Facial Lines Treatment
- Facial Movements Unaffected
- Facial Redness Treatment
- Facial Vein Treatment
- Family History
- Fast and Comfortable Treatment
- Fasting Practices
- fat freezing
- Fatigue and Weakness
- Fatigue Management
- Fatty Deposits
- Fibromyalgia
- Fillers
- Fine Lines
- Fine Needle Treatment
- Firm Skin
- forehead lines
- Frown Lines
- Functional Medicine
- Fungal Growth Inhibition
- Fungal Infection Solution
- Fungus Eradication
- Fungus-Free Nails
- Genetic Screenings
- Genetics
- Gentle Exfoliation
- Gentle Exfoliation Technique
- gentle peels
- Good Cholesterol
- Growth Factors
- Guidance
- Gut-Friendly Diets
- Hair Follicles
- Hair Removal Methods
- Hair Restoration
- Hair-Free Skin
- Headaches
- Health and Vitality
- Health and Wellness
- Health Innovation
- Health Outcomes
- Health Portal
- Health Risks of Chronic Insomnia
- Healthier Life Choices
- Healthier Nails
- Healthy Living
- Heart Damage Detection
- Heart Disease
- Heart Disease and Blood Pressure
- Heart Health
- Heart Problems
- Heart Rate and Rhythm
- Heart's Electrical Activity
- Heart-Healthy Diet
- Heart-Regulating Interventions
- Heavy Alcohol Use
- High Blood Pressure
- High Fasting Blood Sugar
- High-Density Lipoprotein
- High-Risk Individuals
- History of Heart Ailments
- Holistic Allergy Management
- Holistic Approach
- Holistic Care
- Holistic Diagnosis
- Holistic Healthcare
- Holistic Healthcare Approach
- Hormonal Balance
- Hormonal Health
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Hormone Balance
- Hormone Imbalance
- Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Hyaluronic Acid
- Hyaluronic Acid-Based Fillers
- Hydrating Agents
- Hydration Status
- Hydrostatic Weighing
- Hygiene Practices
- Hyperpigmentation
- Hypertension Treatment Plan
- Hypothyroidism
- Hysterectomy
- Identifying Imbalances
- Immediate Medical Attention
- Immediate Results
- Immune System
- ImmunoCAP
- Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
- Impaired Cognitive Function
- Importance of Immunizations
- Importance of Prevention
- Improved Appearance
- Improved Circulation
- improved complexion
- Improved Medication Adherence
- Improved Vitality
- Improved Well-being
- Increased Treatment Efficacy
- Increased Waist Circumference
- Individualized Treatment Plan
- Inflammation
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
- Informed Decision Making
- Ingredient Efficacy
- Initial Consultation
- injection treatment
- Injections
- innovative blends
- Insomnia Cycle and Anxiety
- Intense Pulsed Light Therapy
- Intradermal Test
- Invasive Procedures
- IPL Photofacial
- IPL Photofacial Benefits
- IPL Photofacial Packages
- IPL Photofacial Process
- IPL – Laser Photofacial
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- IV Hydration
- Joint Problems
- Journey to Timeless Beauty
- JUVÉDERM® Dermal Fillers
- JUVÉDERM® Dermal Fillers at WNC Internal Medicine
- JUVÉDERM® Family of Products
- Kidney Disease
- Kidney Disease from Hypertension
- Lab Reports
- Laser Devices
- Laser hair removal
- Laser Hair Removal Benefits
- Laser Hair Removal Consultation
- Laser Hair Removal Process
- Laser Hair Removal Technology
- Laser Hair Removal Treatment
- Laser Onychomycosis Treatment
- Laser Onychomycosis Treatment Benefits
- Laser Onychomycosis Treatment Consultation
- Laser Onychomycosis Treatment Process
- Laser Skin Resurfacing
- Laser Skin Tag Removal
- Laser Skin Tag Removal Benefits
- Laser Skin Tag Removal Experience
- Laser Skin Tag Removal Process
- Laser Skin Tag Removal Results
- Laser Small Vein Treatment
- Laser Technology
- Laser Technology Benefits
- Laser Therapy
- Laser Toenail Fungus Treatment
- Laser Treatment
- Laser Treatment Expertise
- Laser Treatment Precision
- Laser Treatments
- Laser Vein Treatment Benefits
- Leg Pain
- Lifestyle Changes
- Lifestyle Modification
- Lifestyle Modifications
- Lifestyle Modifications for Candida
- Lipotropic Vitamin B Complex
- Localized Fat
- Long-Lasting Results
- long-lasting smoothness
- Long-Term Maintenance
- Low HDL Cholesterol
- Low Testosterone
- Low-Density Lipoprotein
- Lubricating Gel
- Lung Function Decline
- Lungs
- Lymphatic Drainage
- Lymphatic System
- Male Hormonal Shift
- Male Sexual Health
- Medical Care
- Medical Diagnostics
- Medical Evaluation
- Medical Ramifications
- Medical Therapeutic Masks
- Medication Consultation
- Medication Effects
- Medication for Hypertension
- Medication Impact
- Medication Management
- Men's Health
- Menopause Difference
- Menopause Symptoms
- Mental Clarity
- Mental Health
- Mental Health Support
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Metabolism
- Metabolism Enhancement
- Microdermabrasion
- Microneedling
- Minimal Discomfort
- Minimal Discomfort Treatment
- Minimal Disruption
- Minimal Downtime
- Minimal Recovery
- Minimal Recovery Time
- Minimally Invasive
- Minimized Side Effects
- Modern Healthcare
- Monitoring Treatment
- Mood Changes and Depression
- Mood Disturbances due to Insomnia
- Muscle Aches
- muscle contractions
- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
- natural aging
- natural beauty
- Natural Beauty Enhancement
- Natural Hormones
- natural radiance
- Natural-Looking Results
- Natural-Looking Results with JUVÉDERM®
- Neck Lift
- Nervous System
- NEW!
- No Bleeding and Scarring
- No Downtime
- Non-Invasive
- Non-Invasive Alternative
- Non-Invasive Approach
- Non-Invasive Cosmetic Fillers
- Non-Invasive Facial Rejuvenation
- Non-Invasive Fat Reduction
- Non-Invasive Procedure
- Non-Invasive Solution
- Non-Restorative Sleep
- Non-Surgical Approach
- Non-Surgical Fat Reduction
- Nonsurgical Procedure
- North Carolina
- Nourishing Ingredients
- Nutrient Infusion
- Nutrients
- Nutritional Advice
- Nutritional Counseling
- Nutritional Healing
- Obesity
- Occupational Hazards
- Ongoing Monitoring
- Ongoing Support
- Onychomycosis Treatment Consultation
- Optimal Dosage Selection
- Optimal Fat Percentage
- Optimal Health
- Optimal Health and Well-being
- Optimal Hydration
- Optimal Urinary Health
- Oral Rehydration
- Oral Therapies
- Organ Cushioning
- Orthopedics
- Outpatient Procedure
- Overall Well-being
- Overweight
- Pain Management
- Palpitations
- Pap Smear
- Path of Wellness
- Patient Care
- Patient Comfort
- Patient Education
- Patient Satisfaction
- Patient Submission Form
- Patient-Centered Approach
- Patient-Centered Care
- Patient-Centric Approach
- Patient-Focused Care
- Patient-Tailored Medications
- Peace of Mind
- Pellet Insertion
- Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
- Persistent Fatigue
- Persistent Fungus Solution
- Persistent Tiredness
- Personalized Approach
- Personalized Attention
- Personalized Care
- Personalized Consultation
- Personalized Healthcare
- Personalized Hypertension Care
- Personalized Insomnia Treatment
- Personalized JUVÉDERM® Plan
- Personalized Medication Solutions
- Personalized Nutrition Plans
- Personalized Strategies
- Personalized Testing
- Personalized Treatment
- Personalized Treatment Plans
- Pharmacogenetic Testing
- Pharmacogenetics
- Physical Exertion
- pigment control
- pigment inhibition
- Platelet Rich Plasma
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Pore Minimization
- Post-Treatment
- Post-Treatment Care
- Post-Treatment Guidelines
- Post-Void Residual
- Power of Nutrition
- Pre-Hypertension Warning
- Pre-surgery Assessments
- Pre-surgical Assessment
- Precise Elimination
- Precise Treatment
- Precision
- Precision Diagnosis
- Precision Injection Process
- Precision Medicine
- precision treatment
- Preferred Doctor
- premier cosmetic fillers
- Prevention
- Prevention as Best Medicine
- Preventive Care
- Preventive Care in Sylva
- Preventive Healthcare
- Preventive Measures
- Preventive Medicine
- Primary Prevention
- Proactive Detection
- Proactive Healthcare
- Professional Facial Rejuvenation
- Professional Medical Attention
- professional skincare
- PRP Treatment
- Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs)
- Quality Medical Solutions
- Quaternary Prevention
- Quest Patient Portal
- Quick Relief
- Radiance
- Radiant Complexion
- Radiant Skin
- Radio Wave Application
- Radiofrequency and Shock Wave Therapy
- Radiofrequency Micro-Needling
- Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
- Radiofrequency Technology
- Rapid Recovery
- Rapid Relief
- Reclaim Your Radiance
- Reclaim Your Skin's Vibrancy
- Recovery
- Recovery and Results
- Red and Inflamed Rashes
- Red Lesion Elimination
- Rediscover Youthful Radiance
- Reduced Ingrown Hairs
- Refreshed and Youthful Appearance
- Regular Exercise and Blood Pressure
- Rehydration
- Rejuvenated Appearance
- Rejuvenated Complexion
- rejuvenated skin
- Rejuvenation
- Relationship Dynamics
- Repeat Treatments
- Replenish Vitality
- Respiratory Health
- Respiratory System
- Restful Sleep Solutions
- Restoring Skin's Vitality
- Revitalize Your Skin with JUVÉDERM®
- Revive
- RF Treatment
- Risk Factors
- Risks of Hypertension
- Root Causes
- Rosacea Treatment
- Rupture Risk
- Safe and Gentle Procedure
- Safe Destruction
- Safe Treatment
- Safety and Comfort
- Safety and Satisfaction
- Safety First
- Safety in BHRT
- Safety Protocols
- Saliva Hormone Testing
- Same Day Appointments
- Scar Correction
- Schedule Preventive Medicine Consultation
- Screening Frequency
- Secondary Prevention
- Selective Photothermolysis
- Sensation During Treatment
- Sexual Activity
- Shortness of Breath
- Size and Position of Heart Chambers
- Skilled Medical Team
- Skilled Professionals
- Skin Appearance Improvement
- Skin Beauty Enhancement
- skin brightening
- Skin Care
- Skin Concerns
- Skin Confidence Boost
- Skin Elasticity
- Skin Enhancement
- Skin Firmness
- Skin Fold Caliper Testing
- Skin Fold Infections
- Skin Health
- Skin Health Commitment
- Skin Imperfection Solution
- Skin Imperfections Treatment
- Skin Infections
- Skin Patch Test
- Skin Prick Test
- Skin Radiance
- Skin Rash and Irritation
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Skin Rejuvenation Consultation
- Skin Rejuvenation Solution
- Skin Renewal
- skin repair
- Skin Resilience
- Skin Revitalization
- Skin Tag Removal Consultation
- Skin Tag Removal Procedure
- Skin Tag Tissue
- skin tags
- Skin Testing
- Skin Texture
- Skin Texture Improvement
- Skin Texture Transformation
- Skin Tightening
- Skin Tone
- Skin Tone Enhancement
- Skin Transformation
- Skin Vibrancy
- Skin Vitality
- Skincare
- Skincare Aspirations
- Skincare Routine
- Skincare Science
- skincare transformation
- Sleep Apnea
- Sleep Assessment at WNC Internal Medicine
- Sleep Deprivation
- Sleep Disorders
- Sleep Environment Optimization
- Sleep Hygiene
- Sleep Hygiene Education
- Sleep Improvement
- Sleep Problems
- Sleep Quality and Well-being
- small varicose veins
- Small Varicose Veins Solution
- Smoker
- Smoother Skin
- Soothing Agents
- Specialized Device
- Specialized Laser
- spider veins
- Spider Veins Treatment
- State-of-the-Art Equipment
- State-of-the-Art Facilities
- State-of-the-Art Medical Facility
- State-of-the-Art Medical Solutions
- State-of-the-Art Procedure
- state-of-the-art solutions
- State-of-the-Art Vascular Laser Technology
- Stress Management
- Stress Management and Insomnia
- Stroke
- Stroke Risk
- Sublingual Drops
- Sugar and Candida
- Sun Damage Correction
- Sun-Damaged Skin
- Sunspots
- Surgical Procedures
- Sylva
- Symptoms of Yeast Infections
- Systolic and Diastolic Pressure
- Tailored Healthcare Plan
- Targeted Fat Reduction
- Targeted Heat
- Targeted Laser Light
- Targeted Solutions
- targeted treatments
- temporary solution
- Tertiary Prevention
- Testosterone Decline
- Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
- Texture
- Thorough Consultation
- Thyroid Disorders
- Time and Convenience
- Timeless Beauty with JUVÉDERM®
- Tissue Repair
- toenail fungus
- Toenail Fungus Solution
- Toenail Health
- Topical Antifungal Treatment
- Topical Applications
- Transducer Imaging
- Transformative Benefits of JUVÉDERM®
- Transformative Journey
- Treatment Application
- Treatment Duration
- Treatment Goals
- Treatment Outcomes
- Treatment Sessions
- Trigger Foods
- Triglyceride Management
- Trouble Falling Asleep
- TRT Benefits and Risks
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Types of Insomnia
- Ultrasound Technology
- Understanding Cholesterol
- Understanding Fatigue
- Understanding Hypertension
- Understanding Insomnia
- Understanding Obesity
- Uneven Pigmentation
- Unhealthy Diet
- unwanted hair
- Unwanted Skin Tags
- Urinary Retention
- Vampire Facial
- Varicose Veins Reduction
- Vascular Facial
- Vascular Facial Treatment
- Vascular Facial Treatment Benefits
- Vascular Lesion Correction
- Vascular Lesion Removal
- vascular lesions
- Vascular Lesions Solution
- Vast Expertise
- Vertical Lines
- Visible Blood Vessels
- Visible Signs of Aging
- Vision Problems and Hypertension
- Vitamin Infusion Therapy
- Vitamin Storage
- Waist Circumference Reduction
- Warm and Moist Regions
- Weight Loss Management
- Weight Management
- Well-being
- Wellness Boost
- Whole Body Vibration
- Whole-body Wellness.
- Wholesome Foods
- WNC Internal Medicine
- WNC Internal Medicine (WNCIM)
- WNC Internal Medicine Aesthetic Services
- WNC Internal Medicine Clinic
- WNC Internal Medicine in Sylva
- WNC Internal Medicine Management
- WNC Internal Medicine Services
- WNC Internal Medicine Sleep Health
- WNC Medical
- WNC Medical Skin Concerns
- WNC Medical's Approach
- WNCIM Laser Treatment
- WNCIM Vascular Facial
- Women's Health
- Wrinkle Reduction
- Wrinkles
- Yeast-type Fungus
- Youthful Appearance
- youthful complexion
- Youthful Glow
- Youthful Radiance
- Youthful Renewal
- Youthful Skin
- Youthful Vitality