Meet our Providers:

Dr. Ofelia Balta, MD

Dr. Ofelia Balta is a distinguished physician with a unique specialization, holding double board certifications in both Internal Medicine and Pediatrics.

Hannah Praise Caplinger, FNP-C

Hannah Praise Caplinger, FNP-C, has years of healthcare experience in Jackson County. As an RN, she worked in multiple Harris units, including mother-baby and pediatrics. Now, as a Nurse Practitioner, she offers expertise in urgent care, family and psychiatric care, serving all age groups.


Improving Patient Experience:


Our Medical Assistants provide assistance to patients with needs in how to take a medicine, or to know how to use a glucose monitor, etc.
The importance of this is to help the patients become more aware of their medical care.



Front Supervisor, Medical Records and Prior Authorization Specialist


Advanced Care Team Co Management Agreement:

We have an agreement with Meridian Behavioral Health to work together and share patient information between practices to improve our patient’s health.
This benefits the patient by knowing how each provider is treating the patient and with what medication they may be on.

To reach Meridian Behavioral health please call 828-631-3973. 44 Bonnie Ln, Sylva, NC 28779.
Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM till 5:00 PM.

Flu Vaccine Availability Notice

Flu vaccines are available exclusively to our established patients. If you already have an appointment with a provider, you can conveniently receive your flu shot during that visit.

Walk-in flu shot hours:

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM

Stay protected this flu season by scheduling your visit or stopping by during our designated times!

Schedule now !