Tag: Expertise

Caucasian female getting a laser skin treatment

Laser Skin Tag Removal

Laser skin tag removal is a minimal, outpatient surgical procedure. Your doctor will use a mild anaesthetic so you don’t have to worry about pain; you will be awake throughout the procedure. The treatment works by “burning” off the skin tag. 

IPL Photofacial at WNC Internal Medicine: Transformative Skin Rejuvenation, Addressing Imperfections & Boosting Radiance.

IPL – Laser Photofacial

IPL Photofacial at WNC Internal Medicine: Transformative Skin Rejuvenation, Addressing Imperfections & Boosting Radiance.

Mid section of doctor using ultrasound machine

Bladder Scan (Post-Void Residual)

This non-invasive procedure measures the amount of urine left in the bladder after urination. It’s valuable for patients with urinary issues and can lead to appropriate treatments.

Experience the Pap Smear Test at WNC Internal Medicine: Early detection for cervical health, expert care, and guidance. Prioritize your wellness today

Pap Smear Test

An essential part of women’s healthcare, the Pap Smear Test is a preventive measure to detect early signs of cervical cancer. Early detection can lead to successful treatment and a healthy life.

Flu Vaccine Availability Notice

Flu vaccines are available exclusively to our established patients. If you already have an appointment with a provider, you can conveniently receive your flu shot during that visit.

Walk-in flu shot hours:

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM, 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM

Stay protected this flu season by scheduling your visit or stopping by during our designated times!

Schedule now !